Tuesday, April 3, 2018

10 Most Significant Discoveries in the Field of Biblical Archaeology

Challies - 10 Most Significant Discoveries in the Field of Biblical Archaeology Adapted from the ESV Archaeology Study Bible. 1. Rosetta Stone 2. Dead Sea Scrolls 3. Tel Dan Inscription. 4. Ketef Hinnom Scrolls 5. Moabite Stone 6. Lachish Letters 7. Epic of Gilgamesh 8. Hezekiah’s Tunnel 9. Crucified Man at Givat Hamivtar  10.Ugaritic Texts.  (h/t Paul Carden)

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Centers for Apologetics Research C/FAR AC/FAR

The Centers for Apologetics Research C/FAR The Centers' main goal is to equip Christians in the developing world for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. While a number of ministries seek to fulfill this biblical mandate in North America, there are next to none in the developing world, where cultic movements are growing quickly and with the least resistance; it is this need that the Centers were founded to meet.

Africa Centre for Apologetics Research AC/FAR ACFAR An affiliate ministry of The Centers for Apologetics Research (C/FAR)

AC/FAR African Apologetics (blog) Inactive since 2013

Should You Trust the Watchtower? (2017) [Video] Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Paul Carden's Facebook Page

Christian Study Library (Reformed - South Africa)

Christian Study Library .Org The purpose of the Christian Study Library (CSL) is to provide Scripturally sound material for free by means of the Internet. We are situated in a third-world country (South Africa). Our aim is to allow other people in third-world situations to participate in the exploration and expression of this great wealth. Seeing that a large number of people are unable to join a big library or undertake extensive Internet searches (too expensive!), we would like to accumulate as much good material as possible under one roof – for free!


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