Open source (O/S) popular-level writings of beloved Christians like A.B. Simpson, Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, etc. Suitable for certificate, diploma, and undergraduate students. Less academic rigour expected in these writings -- but many will be instructive and therefore a blessing.
Articles by featured preachers. (massive)
A "one-stop shopping" mega-site. Houses 1000's of free online sermons, Christian articles, poems, letters and other spiritual writings from many preachers, past and present.
A.W. Tozer Essays. Three gems.
Decade of Pentecost". Africa. Free, distributable AoG booklets on the Holy Spirit by Denzil R. Miller.
Theology Network. (searchable)
Theology Network equips the believer with theological resources - both articles and audio talks. An initiative of UCCF: The Christian Unions, an interdenominational evangelical movement in the UK.
"Reproduction of any material (text, image, audio, video, design) from Theology Network without written permission is strictly prohibited. Request permission to reprint articles to"
Good source for popular and academic-level articles for student research.