Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Academic Integrity 101: What Every Student Needs to Know

WHAT GPIS STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ACADEMIC INTEGRITY by Michael DeBowes, Ed.S. Director, Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity, Old Dominion.
An excellent, succinct presentation on the subject of academic integrity, including plagiarism, fabrication, and, for me a new transgression: facilitation. This should be required reading of all students. 
If you run across what you think is an even better presentation, let me know. As of now, this is "best in class".

Logic Primer eBook (Free), plus The Logic Classroom

Logic Primer by Elihu Carranza. Available through Apologetics315. Also, check out The Logic Classroom mentioned in the same Apol315 post.

Critical Reasoning Ebook (Free)

Critical Reasoning: A User’s Manual Version 3.0 (5/30/2002) by Chris Swoyer 

The following description was available on the internet as of late 2014; it has since been taken down:
"I also have a 640-page textbook on critical reasoning that is, along with slides, freely available on the net. Information is a source of empowerment, and I have an on-going project to make additional sorts of information, including information for nonspecialists, freely accessible on the net."
A great free resource for students. Since Chris has taken down his version of this, the link I give you may not last. You might have to do a fresh Google search for it.

Logic Quizzes

Department of Philosophy - The University of Hong Kong 10-question quiz. Good quiz, but does not provide the reasons why answers are right/wrong. You might need a second cup of coffee before  attempting to answer the 10th question.

Arm-Chair Logic Test. 15 questions. Provides explanations of answers. Differentiates between validity vs. truth of argument. May be culturally/linguistically difficult for ESL/WSC students.

Harry Hiker Logic Pre-Test. "The best introduction to logic is to do some logic". This one is pretty good. Provides good explanations for right/wrong answers. May be tough for ESL/WSC students

P.L.E. Philosophy 103: Introduction to Logic Tests. Interactive tests. They do not provide an online scores. But, they do provide good explanations of each answer.
Logic and Language
Informal Fallacies
Categorical Propositions
Syllogistic Arguments
Ordinary Language Syllogisms
Symbolic Logic


Logic Resources

See also Logic Quizzes.

A LOGIC PRIMER A Little Logic by Dr. James B. Sauer. This is the easiest to understand, and therefore best, primer I've come across so far -- especially for those first dipping their toes in logic and its terms. There are several typo-grade errors in the text; you might want to correct these before passing out to students.

Introduction to Logic by Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble. A tutorial with built-in questions.
"This on-line text is, for the most part, devoted to the study of so-called Propositional Calculus. Contrary to what the name suggests, this has nothing to do with the subject most people associate with the word "calculus." Actually, the term "calculus" is a generic name for any area of mathematics that concerns itself with calculating. For example, arithmetic could be called the calculus of numbers. Propositional Calculus is then the calculus of propositions. A proposition, or statement, is any declarative sentence which is either true (T) or false (F). We refer to T or F as the truth value of the statement."

Popular-Level Open Source TheologyEd Articles / Sermons, etc.

Open source (O/S) popular-level writings of beloved Christians like A.B. Simpson, Andrew Murray, A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, etc. Suitable for certificate, diploma, and undergraduate students. Less academic rigour expected in these writings -- but many will be instructive and therefore a blessing.

eChristian.comArticles by featured preachers. (massive)
A "one-stop shopping" mega-site. Houses 1000's of free online sermons, Christian articles, poems, letters and other spiritual writings from many preachers, past and present.
A.W. Tozer Essays. Three gems.

"Decade of Pentecost". Africa. Free, distributable AoG booklets on the Holy Spirit by Denzil R. Miller.

Theology Network. (searchable)
Theology Network equips the believer with theological resources - both articles and audio talks. An initiative of UCCF: The Christian Unions, an interdenominational evangelical movement in the UK.
"Reproduction of any material (text, image, audio, video, design) from Theology Network without written permission is strictly prohibited. Request permission to reprint theologynetwork.org articles to info@theologynetwork.org."
Good source for popular and academic-level articles for student research.