Thursday, February 4, 2021

Apologetics Videos: Sean McDowell's Recommendations (and More)

"These videos are great to show in order to spur conversation with students" -- Sean McDowell.

1. Reasonable Faith Animated Videos:

2. Impact 360 videos. These are short animated videos on questioning the Bible, the resurrection, and the nature of worldview.

3. One Minute Apologist: Quick interviews with leading apologists on a variety of issues.

4. Sean McDowell YouTube channel

More (not just for students):

Anything by Gary Habermas on the "minimal facts" approach to the resurrection.

Gary Habermas site. Resurrection of Christ. Near Death Experiences (NDE). Miracles. Dealing with doubt. Definitely an evidentialist apologist.

Anything by Lee Strobel.

Anything by Francis Schaeffer.  Francis Schaeffer's Method of Apologetics.

Anything by C.S. Lewis.

AskDrBrown. Dr. Michael Brown is a pentecostal scholar who addresses excesses within the movement.  Channel contains videos of debates and lectures, media clips, and videos produced specially for the channel. Themes: spiritual awakening, moral and cultural reformation, declaring the good news of Yeshua "to my Jewish people", and taking the gospel to the nations.

CrossExamined. 934 videos.

Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace. Cold-case refers to a criminal or legal case where the evidence trail has gone "cold" with the passage of time.

Specific Videos that caught my eye while doing this:

Articles Relevant to African Apologetics and Missions

h/t Paul Carden (CFAR Centers for Apologetics Research


African Christianity Developments and Trends Adriaan van Klinken (2012) Chapter 6, page 131ff. Posted by the author.


The Citizen: Prophet Bushiri being investigated for ‘laundering millions’ in Malawi – report (2018) Witnesses claimed that Bushiri orchestrates carefully planned false miracles as part of his services.

A Reformed Baptist in Namibia: Shepherd Bushiri - Namibia's Continued Love Affair With The False Prophets (2018) Last week gullible Namibians welcomed yet another false prophet.... Here are a number of indicators or marks of a false prophet, from the book of Jeremiah:

Nyasa Times: Malawi: Cracking the Major 1 Code - Prophet Shephered Bushiri (2017) Do you want to understand Major 1? Here is the clue: .... Prophet Bushiri is a chosen Man of God. When you fight him, you fight God.

Prophet buys snakes and plants them in church member’s homes (2017) Harare – A FAKE prophet was arrested on Saturday on fraud allegations after his driver exposed his tricks.

The Citizen: Pastor feeds congregants Rattex for ‘nourishment and healing’ (2017) At the Grace Living Hope Ministries in Soshanguve this past weekend, a determined Prophet Light Monyeki demonstrated “the power of God” by feeding his congregation rat poison.

'Doom Prophet' belongs in mental hospital - MEC (2017) Lethebo Rabaloga, a "prophet" from Mount Zion General Assembly in Seshego, spray[ed] the insecticide Doom at church members to chase away demons in their bodies.

Zimbabwe Sunday Mail: The prophets of Baal are here (2017) In recent months we have seen it all: “prophets” making people eat grass, church leaders selling “anointed condoms”, so-called men of God walking on congregants, and followers drinking sewage and being told that a higher power makes it palatable. And now we have Pastor Paul Sanyangore of Victory World International, who says he talks to God on his mobile phone.... Not to be outdone is Pr Jonathan Mthwethwa, a Zimbabwean based in South Africa: he tried to walk on water and was feasted on by three three crocodiles.

All Africa: Zimbabwe Pastor Talks to 'God' On the Phone During Service (2017) "I have a direct channel, actually I have His number and I can call Him when need arises.... I got this when I was praying and I heard a voice telling me to call direct," he was quoted as saying.

All Africa: Preachers of Prosperity - Faith As Business (2017) Five centuries ago, Martin Luther reformed the Christian church to prevent the marketing of religion. But in Africa, the debate over blending God and money is a very timely one.

New Zimbabwe: Prophetic hallucinations  and the freedom of worship (2017) A HARARE based prophet who made headlines early this year that he had had lunch with God at his home in Sunningdale...

IOL: Bell tolling for pastors' 'miracle healing' claims (2018) Pastor Penuel Mnguni feeds a member of his church a cockroach and flowers.

News 24: Cape Town will have rain like never before - Pastor Mboro (2018) "I believe that Cape Town will have rain like never before. There will be change in Cape Town, this is the year," he said.

All Africa: Malawian Prophet Bushiri Ranked Amongst 10 Most Affluent Africa Families (2017)

AllAfrica: Are 'Men of God' Receiving Mixed Messages on Cape Town Rain? (2018)

BiAS 12: Bible, Prophets and Profits in Zimbabwe (edited by Ezra Chitando/ Masiiwa R. Gunda/ Joachim Kügler) (2017) 236 page ebook in pdf format

The Miracles of Reinhard Bonnke [A critical assessment] How do we view the miracles, healings and even the raising of the dead?...  In the wake of God’s “harvesting machine” [Bonnke] follows a trail of confusion, disappointment and, unfortunately, dead people in the most literal sense of the word.... But in all fairness we concede that Bonnke has an excellent gift for preaching and sometimes preaches the gospel very clearly to the point of being impressive.

Atlas Obscura: The Sketchy Faith Healer Who Tried to Save New York From Vice (2017) [A critical assessment] Today, an estimated 15 million people in six nations in southern Africa belong to so-called Zionist Christian churches. These churches continue to adhere to many of [John Alexander] Dowie’s teachings, particularly a belief in faith healing.


The Gospel Coalition TGC: African Pastors Saying ‘No’ to Prosperity Theology (2016) Bible-based churches led by doctrinally sound pastors are not common: “They are like diamonds scattered around Kenya.”... “Church planting is a business here,” he said, “and men with zero training and biblical knowledge enter the field in the hope of acquiring income from unfortunately gullible people looking for a blessing or to have their problems fixed.”

The Greatest Threat to the African Church Isn’t Islam (2017) Christians in Nigeria should be afraid of something more dangerous than the Islamization agenda: the ethical and moral decadence eroding Christian public life.... Many Nigerians obtain fraudulent medical certificates, as well as fake birth and citizenship certificates, to be admitted to good schools or to get choice jobs. They evade taxes, over- and under-invoice customers, perform fake audits, and on and on.... These matters are more lethal to the Christian faith than any Islamization agenda. [Etc. Excellent article.]

Unio cum Christo (Union with Christ): THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS IN AFRICA
by CONRAD MBEWE Vol. 3 No. 1 / Apr 2017 We trace the discovery of this doctrine in the Reformation, its application to Africa, and its current absence, and we call church leaders to teach this truth afresh to God’s people.

Themelios: Subtle Ways to Abandon the Authority of Scripture in Our Lives D. A. Carson (2017) 1. An Appeal to Selective Evidence 2. Heart Embarrassment before the Text 3. Publishing Ventures That Legitimate [used as a verb here] What God Condemns [e.g., homosexuality] 4. “The Art of Imperious Ignorance” 5. Allowing the Categories of Systematic Theology to Domesticate What Scripture Says 6. Too Little Reading, Especially the Reading of Older Commentaries and Theological Works 7. The Failure to be Bound by Both the Formal Principle and the Material Principle 8. Undisciplined Passion for the Merely Technical, or Unhealthy Suspicion of the Technical 9. Undisciplined Confidence in Contemporary Philosophical Agendas 10. Anything That Reduces Our Trembling before the Word of God.

Challies: Series: Deadly Doctrines (2017)
Deadly Doctrines: The Pattern and Protection - Challies (2017) True doctrine (content) originates with God (origin), comes from the Bible (authority), and agrees with the whole of Scripture (consistency). Because such doctrine is sound (quality), it is healthy (benefit), and profitable (value) for us, and we are responsible for holding it (responsibility).
Scripture in the Early Church: 2017 Winter Conference at Reformation Bible College (2017) [video] Reformation Bible College hosted their Winter Conference, “Scripture in the Early Church” in Sanford, FL.  Early Christian preaching, Augustine’s use of Scripture, the development of the biblical canon, heresies, and other topics. Watch for free.

Seven Characteristics of Liberal Theology

10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BIBLICAL INERRANCY (2018) Two views of biblical inerrancy have dominated the landscape. Some embrace what has been called “Limited Inerrancy.”... I embrace and want to argue for what I’ll call the doctrine of “Complete Inerrancy.” ... We turn now to ten things to keep in mind whenever we discuss the inerrancy of Scripture.


Breitbart: South African Convicted of Murdering Four Children to Sell Ears to Witch Doctor (2018) A judge in South Africa sentenced a man to four life sentences in prison on Tuesday for the murder of his nieces and nephews – whose ears, he confessed, he planned to sell at a high price to a witch doctor for use in potions. [Google search "muti killing" for more]

The Henry Center: Witchcraft Accusations (2017) In spring 2013, the Henry Center sponsored a colloquium in Nairobi, Kenya... to address the growing presence of witch accusations.

International Bulletin of Mission Research: Healing Communities: Contextualizing Responses to Witch Accusations (2017) Witchcraft accusations are a fatal epidemic in Tanzania

The Spectator: Witch-hunting capitalism in Africa: Can you blame the IMF for a surge in superstitious violence? Sociologists are trying (2013) The poor assume the rich are using witchcraft to advance themselves, and so begin using the very same weapon to eradicate those above them in the food chain.

African Traditional Religion Keeps Them Poor (2017) The primary damaging belief comes from their perspective on the afterlife.

Zambia spirit hospital, healing possession dance - [YouTube video 12 min.] (2013) We meet Shula Marindi, a traditional healer in the bush of central Zambia. She runs what she calls a 'spirit hospital'. Shula is possessed by three healing spirits. She sees up to 50 patients a day, and some stay for weeks in the compound of her hospital. When she sees a patient she goes into trance, the spirits come into her, and tell her what the problem is and how to treat it. She also cures madness and drives out bad spirits in a healing dance.


The Evolving Role of Western Missionaries in Missions Today (2017) In recent years, Western missionaries have been accused of being vehicles of neo-colonialism. Dr. Celestin Musekura discusses the role of Western missionaries in the 21st Century.

Cymbaluk: New Missionary Methods Needed (2017) it is essential for Christian leaders in the Global South(Africa, Asia and Latin America) to use culturally appropriate methods to advance the gospel. Methods, tools and strategies that worked for Westerners may not fit the needs and potentials of the unfolding Southern mission movement.

An African Explains Why @TGC’s Article On Africa And Western Missionaries Is Offensive And Wrong (2017) I hope The Gospel Coalition will issue an apology for contributing to the stigma that Africa is a dark place.


Cult Definition - What is a cult? (2017) The term ‘cult’ has a precise definition — or rather, several precise definitions. Which definition is the right one largely depends on the context in which the term ‘cult’ is applied.

The Herald (Harare): Dangerous Religious Cults and the Loss of Identity (2017) One of the most famous religious movements in Africa was led by Alice Lenshina Mulenga who lived in Chinsali District, Zambia.... Some people thought she was possessed by demons. But Lenshina claimed to have met Jesus Christ during her coma.

The Observer: Pastor Bugingo under fire for burning 'deceptive' Bibles
 (2017) Apostle Charles Tumwiine of New Life Harvest Church International and Ebenezer World Outreach Ministry told URN that nobody has power to declare that some versions of the Bible 'wrong' or 'unfit' to read because the "word of God is older than everyone."

Malawi: Religious Leaders Warned From Discouraging People From Registering Lilongwe — certain religious leaders are associating the current mass registration exercise with what was written in the book of Revelation....  surprisingly members of the Jehovah's Witness have turned up in their large numbers to register. Kamanga said most of the members are referring to the Book of Luke 2 verses 1- 5, where King Caesar Augustus had ordered mass registration of his people in Judea.

[Zambia] National Broadcast ZNBC Airs Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir (2016)

Zambia Daily Mail: We need sanity in the Church (2017) ... with the formation of the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, things are changing.

Zambia Daily Mail: Keep false prophets out of Zambia (2017) Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo says Prophet Shepard Bushiri’s alleged attack on Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili is an attack on the entire Government.... “The country has so many good ministers with miracles happening, hence there is no need to infiltrate the nation with fake prophets,” Bishop Nyonyo said....

CBS: HOW TO IDENTIFY A CULT: SIX TIPS FROM AN EXPERT (2018) So what constitutes a cult? Eichel listed several factors [paraphrased]: 1. Pressure. 2. Leader claims special powers, insight or divinity. 3. Closed, loyal, secretive inner circle. 4. The group uses deceptive means and brainwashes its members. 5. The cult exploits its members financially, psychologically, emotionally and, all too often, sexually. 6. The cult teaches that if you leave the group, horrible things will happen to you. People outside of a cult are not looked upon as negatively as people who leave the cult.


The Christian Century: The new Catholic homeland (2017) Within a few decades, a third of all Catholics will live in Africa.

The Key to Making Peace in Africa - Fighting Corruption Can Help End Conflict (2018) Most governments and banks do not prioritize the collection of evidence on Africa’s illicit financial flows, which means that companies benefiting from them face little risk of getting caught.

Zambia 'Becoming a Dictatorship', Say Church Leaders

Africa: Religious Conflicts On the Rise in Africa

Africa’s Autocratic Leaders Cling to Power In Zambia, meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has deepened his political dominance by jailing the main opposition leader, suspending opposition MPs from parliament, and invoking emergency powers. Until recently, Zambia was considered one of Africa’s most democratic nations.

Is It Racist to Say Africa Has ‘Civilizational’ Problems? The French president got in hot water for noting the continent's dysfunction. But nothing he said was false.... “Failing states, complex democratic transitions, the demographic transition.” Later, he added that “in some [African] countries today seven or eight children [are] born to each woman.”


Five Things Christian Apologetics Must Have (2017) 1. Apologetics must be distinguished from evangelism. 2. Apologetics must define truth and demolish any relative notion of truth. 3. Apologetics must demonstrate the existence of God. 4. Apologetics must show that worldviews opposed to Theism are false. 5. Apologetics must give a systematic defense of the Christian faith.

AFA Journal: Truth is Never Enough (2016) I had been so worried about winning an argument, about getting a point across, about sounding smart, that I never took the time to listen to her hurt and treat her like a human being. It was abstract for me. It was personal to her.

Institute for Religious Research (IRR): Did Jesus Exist? The Bottom-Line Guide to Jesus, Part 1 (2017) In this series of articles entitled “The Bottom-Line Guide to Jesus,” we will address various challenges to Christian beliefs about Jesus.

Reza Aslan Doesn’t Get Religion CNN’S TOUR DE FARCE (2017) CNN has long struggled to understand religion. But the host of an upcoming documentary takes that cluelessness to a whole new level.... Quoting the Buddha, Aslan likens the religions of the world to different wells, which believers dig in order to drink the same water.

Preaching as Apologetics [audio podcast] (2017) This week on Preaching and Preachers, Dr. Mark Coppenger joins me in a discussion on the preaching as apologetics. Contents: How Dr. Coppenger became an apologist; Why all Christians are apologists in some manner; A brief evaluation of using the “proofs” of Christianity; Is it right or helpful for the preacher to think of himself as an apologist?; How preaching is an apologetic work; Counsel to pastors regarding apologetics; The significance of expository preaching in apologetics; A brief discussion on apologetic resources available to pastors.

Apologetics Websites

General Sites. 

Apologetics 315. Daily apologetics resources. Accessible and growing repository of teaching materials to the apologetics community. Intelligent Faith. Dr. Tom Woodward. Suggestion: skim through the Resources/Articles.

Truth According to Scripture. Also contains general-purpose topics - Commentaries, Theology, Christian Life, Eschatology...

Truthbomb Apologetics. Apologetics resources to encourage and challenge both believer and unbeliever. Includes e-book library (somewhat outdated).

Ministry-Specific Apologetics Sites.

BeThinking Audio Resources. Defending the truth of Christian beliefs against objections is important, as is the ability to communicate that truth effectively and attractively. Explore what apologetics is, why it is Biblical and how to engage with it effectively.

CARM Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry with Matt Slick. Check out the topics on their Forums page. Newsletter sign-up available.

Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace. Evidential apologetics. 

Wallace looked at the evidence for the Christian worldview and determined that Christianity was demonstrably true. Frank Turek. Conducts I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses and in churches and high schools. 

Gary Habermas. Specializing in Resurrection-of-Jesus Research. Famous for his "minimal facts" argument. Christian believers, as well as unbelievers, may find within the contents of this site a strong argument for the philosophical possibility of miracles and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the theological and practical implications of this event. Video and print. Includes some e-books. John Lennox. Science and Faith. Frank Turek calls Dr. Lennox "the world’s most credentialed and likable apologist".

Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig. Intelligent, articulate, uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on important issues concerning the Christian faith, such as the existence of God, the meaning of life, the objectivity of truth, the foundation of moral values, the creation of the universe, intelligent design, the reliability of the Gospels, the uniqueness of Jesus, the historicity of the resurrection, the challenge of religious pluralism. Videos and print materials. 

RZIM. Ministry founded by Ravi Zacharias. Videos and print materials. Scroll down and click on View Entire Resource Library. For Videos, choose the Watch tab, set your Filters to choose your topic(s), then hit the Apply button.

Norman Geisler. Inerrancy of Scripture.

Paul Copan. Philosopher.

Ed Feser. Thomistic philosopher. If philosophy's your game, this is your guy. Fascinating blog.

Lee Strobel. Evidential apologetics.

Josh McDowell. Evidential apologetics.

Discovery Institute.  (Dembski, Meyer, Richards, Luskin, Wells) Science and Faith.


Historical Timothy McGrew.

Ask Dr. Michael Brown. Brown is pentecostal/charismatic.

Richard G. Howe. Howe is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Past President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics.

Tim Keller. The Reason for God.

J. Budziszewski: A thomistic philosopher.

Hank Hanegraaff:

Hugh Ross: Science and faith.

Life Training Institute. Equipping Christians to Defend Their Unborn Neighbors Since 2004.

One Minute Apologist with Bobby Conway. "Credible answers to curious questions". Videos. Blog. Podcast. Books.


Ligonier Ministries with R.C. SproulLigonier exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God. Ligonier’s teaching fellowship consists of theologians, pastors, and scholars who teach through Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, etc.

“My passion has been to awaken people to the holiness of God.” —R.C. Sproul

Wayne Grudem  Extensive collection of articles, books, audio and video messages, and answers to questions. Grudem is Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona. He has published twenty-two books. He was the General Editor for the ESV Study Bible. The TACU library has copies of his Systematic Theology.

J.P. Moreland. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. An outstanding evangelical scholar and apologist.

Southern Evangelical SeminaryProclaim. Engage. Defend. An integrated approach to theology, philosophy, & apologetics.

David Limbaugh. Nationally syndicated conservative columnist (USA), political commentator, and author of The Emmaus Code, Jesus on Trial, The Great Destroyer, Crimes Against Liberty, Bankrupt, Persecution, Absolute Power, and The True Jesus: Uncovering the Divinity of Christ in the Gospels.

Africa and the Developing World.

Africa Center For Apologetics Research. Part of the C/FAR network.

C/FAR Centers For Apologetics Research. Anti-cult discernment ministry. Its goal is to equip Christians in the developing world for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. While a number of ministries seek to fulfill this biblical mandate in North America, there are next to none in the developing world, where many cultic movements are growing most quickly and with the least resistance; it is this need that the Centers were founded to meet.

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) - Africa Edition.

Apologetics Courses and Instructional Materials

Brian Hearn. Downloadable as a free PowerPoint presentation. Brian is a wonderful communicator. An outstanding set of slides.
Approximately 12-hour course outline covering a variety of apologetic areas: 
What is apologetics, worldview, reasoning and persuasion?
Types of apologetics and when to use
Classical arguments for the existence of God
General revelation and reasoning compared to special revelation
Islamic worldview compared to Christian
Theodicy and the problem of evil
Historical argument for the Resurrection
Apologetics315. Apologetics315 has a decent inventory of links to available courses. Go to Apologetics315 and search on "apologetics course" and also on "Powerpoint".

Apologetics 315: The Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio Page.
"The goal of this page is to create the largest single page of quality apologetics Mp3s on the web. Some audios may be iTunes podcasts. Last updated: April 4, 2011." Lots of teaching materials. Free apologetics audio courses by Dr. Ronald Nash. The online presentation includes helpful text outlines. Also, the speaker is aware he is being "taped", and explains visual aids with that in mind.

Our Daily Bread Christian University
"A premier provider of free biblical online courses to students all around the world. Over 100 courses are available with no cost or obligation. " 
Free apologetics audio course. The lecture I listened to was a bit dry, but contained excellent material. Search on Legacy Lecture Series to find this and other courses.
This website lets you listen to a short sample of each course. To actually listen to the lecture(s), you have to register with the website. This is easy to do — provide a userID and password.
In addition to a full course on Apologetics there is also a full course in Urban Missiology.
They also have two courses on “Ultimate Leadership”.
The Missions section has a full course on African Theology and Religions.
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM)
CARM online Schools of Theology, Apologetics, and Critical Thinking.
$75 for all three schools or $33 for one. Demos:  Theology School; Apologetics School; Critical Thinking School;
Covenant Theological Seminary: Apologetics & Outreach by Jerram Barrs.
"An analysis of the philosophical, religious, and scientific beliefs that shape culture, and how to communicate the gospel accordingly." Sign-up/sign-in required: "Take a minute to create your account and enjoy hundreds of free courses, sermons, lectures, and more"
First 12 lectures deal with postmodernism.
Westminster Theological Seminary: Apologetics 101 Dr. K. Scott Oliphint. iTunes. A presuppositional approach to apologetics.

Westminster Theological Seminary: Apologetics by Westminster Professors.
Review by Cain McCulloch. "Brilliant! My only gripe is the quality...but given the time period it's to be expected. Francis Schaeffer continues to be a blessing three decades after his passing."
R. C. Sproul. Defending Your Faith: An Overview of Classical Apologetics. DVD series. $70. Check Amazon. The first session may be viewed for free. This course is suitable for use at the seminary/college level.
"… Dr. Sproul surveys the history of apologetics and demonstrates that reason and science are your allies in defending the existence of God and the historical truth claims of Jesus Christ. He affirms four logical premises that are necessary for all reasonable discourse, and teaches you how to defend your faith in a faithless world. Furthermore, he points out that there are many levels on which to defend your faith, and shows how apologetics brings comfort and confidence to Christians of all ages. 
"This series is designed for individual study, senior high school classes, homeschoolers, small study groups, and adult Sunday school classes.
The Christ 101 Apologetics Program. Course Instructor: Scott M. Sullivan, Ph.D.
"A Complete Course On How To Defend Traditional “Old-School” Orthodox Christianity To The Modern Secular World. 
"Christ 101 is the first complete, full-blown, semester long, multimedia course specifically made to address the problem of using reason and evidence to establish the truth of Christianity. 
"This Thing Is Big. With over 3 years in production and containing contributions from 15 top scholars, Christ 101 is a massive program that consists of 28 lessons totaling up to nearly 14 hours of fun, engaging, and educational instruction.
Over a dozen contributing scholars including Peter Kreeft, Gary Habermas, Craig Evans. Costs about $75.