Monday, February 29, 2016

Academic Open Source TheologyEd Journals / Articles

The purpose of this post is to provide evangelical GlobalEd theological colleges with sources of good quality academic open source theology-related journal articles. These may be used by teachers developing syllabi, or by students researching assignments. Because they are open-source, they may be especially suited for DistanceEd in developing world contexts where internet access may be expensive or spotty. A compilation of articles could be stored to DVD, USB disk or memory card. 

This post is broadly organized from the high-level/general to the low-level specific. It includes a section on Pentecostal journals, as well as Baptist, Wesleyan, etc. I usually replicate and/or modify the website's self-description to give you an idea of what to expect.


Google Scholar

The first thing an e-scholar should know. The above link links to the Canadian version. You may wish to Google "Google Scholar" and use the site/version that is local to you.

Google Theological Journals Search

Possibly even more useful than Google scholar. Built by Sally Shelton at Oral Roberts University (ORU).

Targets 1,500 Web sites/pages to retrieve full text articles from hundreds of open access journals and other periodicals related to religious studies, scripture studies, systematic and practical theology, and cognate disciplines. Among the journals searched are many of those listed in major religion Internet directories and e-journal sites. See also Sally Shelton's ORU site.


Meta sites are high-level sites that point to content rather than host content. Meta sites provide gateways to content, often more than just journal articles. If you are using the Google Theological Journals Search / ORU site listed above, you may not need to consult these.

Asia Pacific Theological College (ANTS) has a VG list of "Electronic Resources". Topics covered include General & Theology, Biblical Studies, Pentecostalism, Missions & Culture, English & Other Modern Languages, Women in Ministry, and Online Research Resources.

Craig Evan's Links.
News and resources relating to archaeology and biblical studies. Several links will aid doctoral studies.
Fuller David Allen Hubbard Library: Free Online Books and Articles.

Religious Studies Web Guide (Lipton/Adams)

Free internet resources of use to researchers involved in the academic study of religion. (massive 6,000) (searchable)
Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education. 
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~10; "holistic" ~100; "reformed" ~100; pentecostal ~100. Not sure what % are academic articles. 
Gilbert's Africa, etc. Online Research Resources (pdf)
Developed for Pan Africa Theological Seminary (PAThS). © Marvin Gilbert 2011. Sections include Theses, Open-Access Journals in Five Disciplines, Biblical Studies, Religion, and Theology, Education, Leadership, Missions, Anthropology, and African Studies, Research Journals, Open-Access Journals in French, Pentecostal Research Resources,Track-Specific Websites of Interest to Doctoral Researchers, Education, Hermeneutics-Biblical Theology. Excellent source for Africa-related research.  
Wabash Center Religion on the Web (massive) (topical)
A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study and practice of religion, including syllabi, electronic texts, electronic journals, web sites, bibliographies, liturgies, reference resources, and software. The purpose of the Guide is to encourage and facilitate the incorporation of electronic resources into teaching. 
Includes syllabi. The entries under pentecostalism include, for example, "Introduction to Pentecostalism (Johnson). A 2013 course by Van Johnson at Tyndale Seminary."


Plus (+)  indicates the site has more than just journal articles.

Some of these sites are incorporated into the Google Theological Journals Search / ORU site search engine listed above. Depending on your needs, however, you may want to search one or more particular sites.

Theology on the (searchable) (massive 20,000). Rob Bradshaw's labour.

Rare and out-of-print theology books and articles digitized in co-operation with authors and publishers. Also detailed bibliographies for seminary-level students and ministers. A cross-linked resource of seven websites: hosts over 20,000 full text theological articles linked into bibliographies on each book of the Bible. It also covers such subjects as hermeneutics, biblical languages, criticism, language, etc. - in short almost everything connected with the Bible and its study. throws its net slightly wider, providing material on a range of theologies and theologians, as well as specific doctrines such as the Trinity, for example. The section on practical theology seeks to provide material on how theology is applied in daily life, in such areas as politics and ethics.
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~150 hits; "contextualized" ~100; "holistic" ~500; "apologetics" ~2000 covers church history until the rise of the medieval Papacy (c.600 AD). takes over where leaves off, covering church history from the rise of the Papacy to the time of the Reformation. - covers church history during and after the Reformation. provides material relating to the archaeology of the lands of the Bible. provides resources for students of Christian missions from the first Century onwards [currently under development]. 
Monergism+ (searchable) (massive 60,000) (Reformed)
Curated link directory that captures and categorizes the best free theological content on the internet. Content consistent with Reformed theology.
Search the Directory. Browse by Topic, Author, Scripture Passage, or Series. E.g., Calvin, Edwards, Sproul, Lloyd-Jones, Spurgeon
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~400 hits; "contextualized" ~14; "holistic" ~2; "apologetics" ~800 
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals (massive) (searchable)
Not Christian-specific
Searchable, e.g., Calvin ~300; pentecostal ~200; missional ~60 
 Jaeger's Leadership Journals on the Internet (massive)
This is an article, not a website, by Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University.
The article consists of lists covering major subject headings such as Religion, Leadership, English Second Language, Library, etc. These would be very good for very broad research and for initial identification of relevant journals for your research.
The article is available in pdf, doc, and html formats
August 2014: Dr. Jaeger has sent me three updated lists. I have posted them to this blog. Look for "Jaeger's…"
Global Missiology (searchable)
A quarterly publication of contributions from international researchers, practitioners and scholars with a global perspective.
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~200; "holistic" ~300; "contextualized" ~200; "pentecostal" ~150
TGC+ The Gospel Coalition (massive 30,000) (searchable)
Audio, video and text resources from The Gospel Coalition and select partners.
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~10; "holistic" ~0; "contextualized" ~0; "pentecostal" ~10
Browse resources by topic, name, year, scripture, language or do a search
Indicates type of resources found, e.g., Journal Articles 5; Sermons 3
"broadly Reformed"; associated with Donald Carson/Tim Keller and Westminster Theological Seminary.
The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (searchable)
Published quarterly and features insightful articles by the faculty of Southern Seminary as well as leading evangelical scholars from around the world.
The SBTS site is searchable, e.g., "missional" ~400 hits; "contextualized" ~200; "holistic" ~300; "apologetics" ~1400
The Southern Baptist Journal of Missions and Evangelism (searchable)
Published annually by the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry. Each edition features articles by Southern Seminary faculty as well as pastors and missionaries from around the world. 
The SBTS site is searchable, e.g., "missional" ~400 hits; "contextualized" ~200; "holistic" ~300; "apologetics" ~1400
The [Southern Baptist] Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry (searchable)
Published biannually by The Center for Christian Family Ministry.
The SBTS site is searchable, e.g., "missional" ~400 hits; "contextualized" ~200; "holistic" ~300; "apologetics" ~1400
Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal. Fundamentalist.
Begun in 1996, DBSJ is designed to present scholarly articles from a fundamentalist perspective. DBS's goal is to publish articles characterized by quality research and cogent argumentation. DBSJ is published annually.
Most articles are available as free opensource. 
JODT Journal of Dispensational Theology
Academic journal of Tyndale Theological Seminary (Hurst, Texas)
Archived in pdf format.
The Wesley Center Online+ (searchable)
A collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan Tradition, theology, Christianity, and the Church of the Nazarene. Includes sermons, books, holiness literature, etc. Also Spanish.
Searchable, e.g., "Sandeman" ~8; "Wesley ~1100; "missional ~60;
WHDL: The Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library (searchable) (topical)
A free, multidisciplinary, open access, digital resource of books, literature, multimedia material, and archives collected into a single institutional repository initiated by the global Church of the Nazarene in response to the global need for access to resources for education, lifelong learning, and specifically ministerial preparation. English, French, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish.
Searchable, e.g., "Sandeman" ~0; "Wesley" ~600; "missional" ~0.
The Master's Seminary Journal (searchable)
A semi-annual publication containing book reviews and articles dealing with Biblical text, theology, and pastoral concerns. John MacArthur - not to be confused with PAOC Master's Seminary in Canada.Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~2; "charismatic" ~3
Denver Seminary Resources. (searchable)
Douglas Groothius and Craig Blomberg. Includes academic and popular material.
Searchable, e.g., "missional" ~10; "pentecostal" ~20; "reformed" ~30

Richard Bauckham website. NT scholar. Recommended.

William Lane Craig. Philosopher-Theologian Apologist. Scholarly and Popular.

Craig Evans. New Testament scholar. I attended a seminar by Dr. Evans held at Haddington House in Charlottetown, PEI.

Wayne Grudem. Reformed Systematic Theology scholar. I've attended Bible classes by Grudem at Scottsdale Bible Church.

C.S. Lewis. Major 20th cc Christian thinker and apologist. Tyndale (Toronto) Reading Room.

Gary Habermas. Evidential NT Apologist specializing in the resurrection. Have heard Gary speak a few times. Will never forget his timeline showing belief in the resurrection historically established within a 6 mo - year of the crucifixion -- not a later embellishment.

Craig Keener Free Resources+. Pentecostal NT scholar. Dr. Keener graciously had me over to his house one evening. Craig Keener is amazingly productive. Recommended.

George E. Ladd. NT scholar (deceased). Ladd popularized the "now/not" yet construction.

John Stott. London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and John Stott Memorial. Biblical scholar (deceased).

Daniel B. Wallace - Senior Professor NT Studies Dallas Theological Seminary. He works extensively in textual criticism; founded Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. Counters NT textual critic Bart Ehrman. Recommended.

N.T. Wright page. Anglican NT scholar. Recommended.


As a meta-site, see Global School of Theology - Western Cape (South Africa)+ for a major list of pentecostal resources. Major headings include: Ministries and Researchers, Directories, Journals, and
"Additional Web Sites Gathered by Dr. Martin Mittelstadt, Evangel University" (AoG - Springfield). Several of the links are broken, indicating this site needs updating. Also 

See also Pentecostal Foundations: Resources+ by Mittelstad. Also this by Mittelstad.

Wadholm's List of pentecostal online journals.
Rick Wadholm's list [August 2014] is replicated below, alone with a few websites.
Flower Pentecostal Heritage.
Headings include AoG Schools, Pentecostal Journals, Pentecostal/Charismatic Societies. Also, audio/videos. Think pentecostal online museum. 

Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
Associated with APTS Asia Pacific Theological Seminary. Approximately 100 articles e.g., by Wonsuk Ma. Titles/authors easily scanned on the linked page. 

Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity (searchable)
Hosted by Trinity Western University.
Searchable, e.g., "contextual" ~0; "missional" ~0; "holistic" ~0; "pentecostal" ~35. 
Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research (copyrighted - restricted use)

Ethne Online Journal for Pentecostal and Missional Leadership  (pentecostal/charismatic) (African)
Scholarly publication of the All Nations Theological SeminaryA dozen or so missions-related articles  
Encounter: [AoG] Journal for Pentecostal Ministry 
JEPTA: Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
I've read some good quality articles from this source.
Journal of Pentecostal Theology (subscription/fee-based)

The Pentecostal Educator New - First issue Fall 2014.
Published by WAPTE World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education.
PentecoStudies (subscription/fee-based; back-issues free)
An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 
PneumAfrica Journal

Pneuma Article/Book Review Indices (pentecostal/charismatic)
Pneuma Book Review Index - Download the searchable Index of Book Reviews (PDF). Listing of Issues and Articles - a Listing of Issues and Articles posted by Brill. 
The Pneuma Foundation+
Links to articles and books (not all of these are academic articles and these are by no means all pentecostal/charismatic in nature)
The Pneuma Review  (pentecostal/charismatic)
Journal of Ministry Resources and Theology for Pentecostal and Charismatic Ministries and Leaders
WAPTE (World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education) Conference Papers
I've read some good quality articles from this source.
Wouldn't it be great if somebody (or some organization, or collaboration of organizations) located and posted a set of online articles that could serve as a self-study bible college education for developing world leaders who cannot attend a theological college.