Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Free STEP Online Bible from Tyndale House

Scripture Tools for Every Person (STEP)
"STEP Bible is a Tyndale House project to build high quality free reliable Bible tools, with the aim of enabling anyone who wants to study the Bible seriously to do so. This has grown out of the free Tyndale Toolbar which is being used by thousands of people all over the world. 
"In many parts of the world the growth of the Church is outpacing the training of leaders and teachers, and Bible schools are struggling with limited resources. Many believers do not have a computer with reliable internet access but more and more people have access to mobile phones, and many to computers with SOME internet. We have created the STEP software from the ground up with these limitations in mind. 
"STEP Bible is especially designed for accessibility in poorer countries, while making reliable resources available for all." is a good way to read the Bible and study it as deeply as you like. You can read English Bibles such as the ESV or NIV as well as Bibles in 280 other languages, and you can explore the original languages even if you don't know Hebrew or Greek.

It's a free gift to you and also one that you can help give to others.
Our new videos show its ease and potential and provide example Bible studies. The interface is intuitive, so you should only need to watch the Introduction once.
The videos show you how to:
Find quickly what you are looking for: a word, a topic, or a series of passages.
Read and study the Bible in your own mother tongue, and even add a missing language  
Download STEP so it keeps working even without internet. 
Install it from an SD card, which you can give away in any country, legally.
We'd love to use your expertise to develop this further. Grab the vision and perhaps contribute some time, or just refer it to a friend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Education Manifesto by Douglas Groothius

This post will be a repository for articles relevant to philosophy of Christian education.

An Education Manifesto. 2014. Douglas Groothius  cautions against misuse of technology and bureaucracy.
Most learning–and the deepest learning–is undetectable by objective measures, because it is a matter of skill and character, which only develop through a mentor-mentee relationship and strong peer friendships among students. 

Individual Theology and Worldview Articles (3)

This post will contain links to individual articles that I have found particularly compelling, insightful, and valuable.

The Illusionist: How Herbert Marcuse Convinced a Generation that Censorship Is Tolerance & Other Politically Correct Tricks by Robin Phillips. This is MUST-READ.
His] vision was essentially Marxist, but with a twist. Whereas Marx believed that power rested with those who controlled the means of production, the Frankfurt school argued that power rested with those who controlled the institutions of culture. The school would come to include sociologists, art critics, psychologists, philosophers, "sexologists," political scientists, and a host of other "experts" intent on converting Marxism from a strictly economic theory into a cultural reality…. 
What emerged from the shadow of this new tolerance was a type of intellectual redistribution. Instead of redistributing economic capital from the middle class to the working class, as Marx had urged, the new tolerance sought to redistribute cultural capital. Marcuse made no secret that this was his ultimate goal, admitting that he commended "the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right." This was achieved in a number of ways, including what Flynn has described as "attitudinal adjustment" effected by "psychological conditioning through entertainment, the class room, linguistic taboos, and other means [that] transmit their ideology through osmosis."
Evangelical theology has long been divided between those who emphasize human freedom to choose salvation (Arminians) and those who stress God’s sovereignty in the history of salvation (the Reformed). Now this old division has been overshadowed by a larger division between new opposing camps we may call the Meliorists and the Traditionists. The former think we must improve and sometimes change substantially the tradition of historic orthodoxy. The latter think that while we might sometimes need to adjust our approaches to the tradition, generally we ought to learn from it rather than change it. Most of the Meliorists are Arminian, and most of the Traditionists are Reformed, though there are exceptions on both sides….
But the way to renewal requires a conscious rejection of Meliorist accommodationism and the assertion of what I have called Traditionism, particularly its willingness to be instructed by the Great Tradition…. These days the most common temptations are to argue in neo-pietist fashion that doctrine and morality are finally unimportant as long as believers experience warm feelings about Jesus and engage in ministry to the world, and to reduce Scripture to the human expression of religious experience, finding revelation somewhere other than in the biblical text itself….

I missed Karl Barth when doing my MDiv. This is a good 15 minute introduction to Barth and how he fits into 20th/21st cc. thought.
But we are living through the unraveling of the Christian metaphysic, which began with a rejection of classical theism, proceeded to abolish purpose from the material world, and is now eliminating the rational and moral nature of man. In order to recognize this metaphysical demolition for what it is—one can scarcely repair what one misunderstands—Christians are no more helped by Barth than by theological liberalism. Both collude with secular reason in denying our capacity to attain knowledge of the highest things. We will be immeasurably better served by recognizing, as John Paul II wrote in Fides et Ratio, that our “crisis of meaning” stems from failing to defend the ability of reason to know “the ultimate and overarching meaning of life.” 

Leadership Articles

Three Types of Christian Scholarship from Credo House.

1. Exegetes (research) - Level one studies

2. Theologian/Philosopher (think) – Level two studies

3. Pastoral/Missional (apply) – Level three studies

I would say DMin/GlobalEd scholarship is largely a level-three enterprise:
These are concerned with how to distribute information to others. They are focused on how information can be applied to real life. They spend their time thinking about church, mission, and strategies. They are didactically (teaching) gifted. They are discerning as to what applies, when, and where. They are more hands-on with the real world, which gives them a great understanding of whether or not the truth, when tested, actually works. This is often the determining factor of the reality of our faith. The books and commentaries they write are normally more practically oriented, highly illustrated, and application-driven.
It has been said scholars stand on the shoulders of giants; in the case of DMin/GlobalEd scholars, they must stand on the shoulders of those standing on the shoulders of others. Which makes them... acrobats?

Winston Churchill.Volume two of William Manchester's The Last Lion - Alone:
"[Churchill] came to power because he had seen through Hitler from the very beginning -- but not, ironically, because his inner light, the source of that insight, was understood by Englishmen.... Isaiah Berlin, the Oxford philosopher, later observed that the Churchill of 1940 was neither 'a sensitive lens, which absorbs and concentrates and reflects... the sentiments of others,' nor a politician who played 'on public opinion like an instrument.' Instead Berlin saw him as a leader who imposed his 'imagination and his will upon his countrymen,' idealizing them 'with such intensity that in the end they approached his ideal and began to see themselves as he saw them.' In doing so he 'transformed cowards into brave men, and so fulfilled the purpose of shining armour.'" p. 687
Churchill was a force of nature and exactly what was needed for his time and place.

IQ, EQ, MQ, BQ. Also, Harvard Business Review article on CQ.  In addition to IQ and EQ (Emotional Intelligence), we've also got to deal with MQ (Moral Intelligence), BQ (Body Intelligence), and CQ -- Cultural Intelligence.

Transition Management - William Bridges. Bridges uses the term transition management to deal with the psychological and emotional issues associated with change. There are some great visual images available online for Bridges' transition model. Article uses Moses/Wilderness as the metaphor -- "Getting Them Through The Wilderness". Bridges' "neutral zone":
The neutral zone is a time and a state of being in which the old behaviors and attitudes die out, and people go dormant for a while as they prepare to move out in a new direction. It is a dangerous time for organizations, but it is also a time when innovations and experiments have an especially good chance of succeeding.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Free Online Bible College Education
Mission is to create and distribute world-class educational resources for discipleship that are holistic and accessible for all. BiblicalTraining is a web-based ministry whose content is free. Professors are among the best academics in the world. They encourage people to learn together, in mentor/apprentice relationships. Materials are broadly evangelical. They provide the content and delivery mechanisms, and their partners provide the community and mentoring. When there are no partners, we provide a virtual community and real-life mentors.
Instructors include Craig Blomberg, Darrell Bock, Wayne Grudem, John Piper, Ben Witherington. 
This appears to have high potential to be used collaboratively with a GlobalEd college.
Online Bible College (OBC).
Free Bible College education. Over 40,000 Students from 160 Nations.
Each lesson is in pdf format. At the end of each lesson, you do a multiple-choice quiz to demonstrate learning. At the end of each course, you do another quiz. And it's free. The language used in the quizzes might be a bit of a problem for some ESL learners. Students have the right to save the pdf lessons to their hard drive, and to distribute as long as they are not altered.


Bible CollegeEd For DevWorld Leaders Who Cannot Afford Bible College

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) has 29 schools in its GlobalEd orbit.  For those who can afford/attend a school, great. But what about those existing or future leaders who cannot? I think of the practicing pastor I met in DR Congo; he didn't even have a proper Bible -- just a partial Jehovah's Witness Bible. We are talking poor, disenfranchised, disconnected.

At the same time, internet and smart phones, if not laptops, are becoming ubiquitous.

So, my dilemma is this. What internet resources would I put into this man's hands that would enable him to get a tuition-free Bible College education (at least the content), without leaving his home, family, or ministry context. These guys are out there. Do we hear their cry?

My approach to the internet is this: "whatever I set out to do, someone else has already done, probably better". So, rather than start from scratch, I would look for existing sources.

Theopedia is not ideal, but it's a start. Perhaps someone could work his/her way through Theopedia and suggest a learning path.

I believe the biggest need in teaching these folks is not in teaching them what is true, but in protecting them against what is false. They are susceptible to every heresy and wind of doctrine that is out there -- one guy in Africa claims he is Jesus Christ, and his wife is the Holy Spirit! So, I would frame the need as building these students up in the truth that fortifies against heresy. A heresy-based approach to Bible training. Hmm. Interesting - "teach the heresies!".

Because of this, I think I would start with Theopedia's coverage of the Trinity.

Alternatively, a resource-rich organization like the PAOC could divvy up the project into 30 pieces  and each scholar/school develop a simple curriculum in simple language for each of the 30 subjects. This could even become suggested pre-reading for students planning to attend a Bible college.

Can we hear the cry of the poor?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Leading Edge Learning: Tablets Meet Solar Kiosks

An eLearning Revolution, and It's Starting in Rural Africa.

Tablets meet Solar Kiosks.
Currently, there are 10 such "eSchool360" schools in rural Zambia. They were built and are being run by a NYC-based non-profit called Impact Network. The teachers are given tablets and projectors to deliver e-Learning lessons. The schools are outfitted with solar panels to power these electronics. The eLearning curriculum, created by a Zambian organization called iSchool, was designed to move the country's educational system away from rote memorization. Teachers are also provided weekly professional development focused on helping them use the technology and enhance their pedagogical skills. Management staff travel to schools by motorbike through areas where formal roads don't exist.

Booklet: The Bible in Its Context: How to Improve Your Study of the Scriptures by Craig Keener

This 82-page Word document from Craig Keener was originally designed for use with students in Nigeria. It is for public use, not for traditional publication or remuneration. The background illustrations can be found in much greater details in Craig’s IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, published by InterVarsity.

To download this file, click this:  here

For Spanish version, click this:  here.

(To go to Craig Keener's site, click this.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Article: 33 Logical Fallacies Everybody Should Know.

Introduction to Logical Fallacies:
Logic is a proper way of thinking. Norman Geisler writes that “Logic deals with the methods of valid thinking” (Geisler 1999, 427). Logical fallacies, then, are errors in the way one thinks or presents an argument. Logic and logical fallacies are important for everyone to know, but it is especially important for Christians to know since they are called to promote truth. Paul writes that the Christian should be in the practice of “laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another” (Ephesians 4:25, NASB). So, the Christian should know how to speak the truth and to avoid any fallacy of thinking. Unfortunately, many sites devoted to logic promote an atheist agenda. One might think that the atheist has a stranglehold on logic, but nothing further could be the case. Therefore, this article will provide 33 logical fallacies that every Christian, in fact every person, should know.

Open Source TheologyEd eBooks

Blue Letter Bible provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God’s Word through a free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith.
Note: A BLB Offline CD is available. This may be of interest to DevWorld DistanceEd.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (searchable) (massive)
"Bringing Christian classic books to life" 
The mission of the CCEL is to build up the church by making classic Christian writings available and promoting their use 
E.g., has Alvin Plantinga's philosophical work Warranted Christian Belief (2000) 
Has Community Forums, Study Groups, etc. Major site.
Tim McGrew's labor of love. I heard Tim speak in New Orleans.
Advisory Board: Dr. William Lane Craig Dr. Gary Habermas Dr. Craig J. Hazen Dr. Robert B. Stewart
Offered by Northwestern Theological Seminary and Northwestern Christian University.

Tyndale Seminary Online Reading Rooms: Biblical-Theological Resources. (massive)
These resource pages were designed to help make biblical-theological resources available to those without easy access to a theological library. Most of the Reading Rooms are related to courses offered in Tyndale's Master of Theological Studies Modular Program - Dr. Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, Associate Dean. 
A lot of these are links to Google books, which displays non-copyable portions of texts. At a minimum, these reading rooms provide great bibliographies.

Jaeger's Leadership Journals on the Internet

From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University (August 2014)

Business Leadership

Academy of Strategic Management 

Australian Journal of Management

E-Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership

International Business Research

International Management Review

Journal of Applied Management ...

Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership

Management International Review

         New Zealand Management

Research and Practice in Human Management 

Research in Business and Economics Journal

SA Journal of Human Resource Management

Educational Leadership

American School and University 

American School Board Journal 

Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 

Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. CJEAP 

Education Next

Education Policy Analysis Archives 

Educational Leadership

International Electronic Journal for Educational Policy and Leadership 

The International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning 

Journal of Leadership Education

Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership 

Leadership Magazine

Leadership Advance Online 

Principal Magazine

School Administrator

Religious Leadership

Leadership: A Practical Journal for Religious Leaders

From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

Jaeger’s Distance Education Journals on the Internet

From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University (August 2014)

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (Archived issues available in full-text)


Distance Learning Administration

Educause Review

First Monday: Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet

Innovate. Journal of Online Education

International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT 

Journal of Distance Education

Journal of Interactive Online Learning.

Journal of Law and Education

Journal of Literacy and Technology 

Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration

Turkish Online Journal on Distance Education


From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

Jaeger’s Religion Journals on the Internet

From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University (August 2014)

African American Pulpit, The

African Studies Quarterly

Agathos : an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences

AJS Review: Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies

Al Bawaba

Al-Tawhid: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Thought & Culture

American Jewish Archives Journal

American Jewish History

American Journal of Archaeology

American Journal of Biblical Theology

American Monastic Newsletter

American Theological Inquiry

Analecta Hermeneutica

Anglican Journal

Anglican Theological Review

Anglican and Episcopal History

Animus: A Philosophical Journal for our Time


Annual of Urdu Studies

Anpere: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion

(1927- Present)



Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)

Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions

Ars Disputandi: The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion
(2001- Present)

Arutz Sheva/Israel National News...

Asian Ethnology

Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies

ATQ (The American Transcendental...

Australian Biblical Review

Australian Humanities Review

Australian ejournal of Theology

Australian Journal of Jewish Studies

Australian Review of Public Affairs

Awakened Woman

Azure. Ideas for the Jewish Nation.
(1996- Present)

Biblica: A Catholic Biblical Studies Quarterly

Biblica : Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam

Biblical Reflections on Modern Medicine
(1990- Present)

BSW Journal (Biblical Studies on the Web)

Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa (BOTSA)
(1996- 2006)

Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture

Burning Bush

Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal

Catholic Education

Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice

Catholic Insight

Catholic Social Science Review

Chafer Theological Seminary

Chinese America: History and ...

Christian Apologetics Journal

Christian Century

Christian History and Biography

Christian Perspectives in Education

Christianity Today

Christianity and literature


Colloquia Maruliana


Common Ground Journal


Communique: An Online Literary and Arts Journal

Compass a Review of Topical Theology

Concordia Theological Quarterly

Conservation Matters

Constitutional Commentary


Cross Currents

Cultic Studies Journal

Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research

Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies

Direction: A Mennonite Brethren Forum

Documents on the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha’I movements

e-Makalat Mezhep Arastirmalari Dergisi


East-West Church Ministry Report

East Asian Pastoral Review

Ecumenical Review

Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies

Emerging Leadership Journeys



The Founders Journal

Harvard Divinity Bulletin

Harvard International Review

Hebrew studies

Hinduism Today

Hiphil Old Testament (Requires Free Registration)

Hispania Sacra: Revista de Historia Eclesiástica

Historical Studies

Homiletic: a Review of Publications in Religious Communication

Hope's Reason: A Journal of Apologetics

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 

Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies

Human Quest 

Hymn, The

Idea: A Journal of Social Issues 


Image: Journal of the Arts and Religion
(Some content online) 


In Communion

Indian Folklife

Inner Resources for Leaders

Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion

Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies

International Bulletin of Missionary Research

International Journal of Tantric Studies

International Journal of Frontier Missions

International Journal of Peace...

International Kierkegaard newsletter


IRB: Ethics & Human Research

Iran Times International...

Islam & Science

Italian Culture

Japanese Journal of Religious Studies

Jerusalem Post

Jewish Bible Quarterly

Jewish Social Studies

Jewish Studies: An Internet Journal, JSIJ

Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Journal for Christian Theological Research

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory

Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science

Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture

Journal for the Renewal of Religion and Theology

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies (J.S.R.I.)

Journal for the Study of Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

Journal of Biblical Literature

Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership

Journal of Biblical Studies

Journal of Buddhist Ethics

Journal of Communication and Religion

Journal of Ecumenical Studies

Journal of Grace Evangelical Society

Journal of Global Buddhism

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities

Journal of Jewish Identities

Journal of Jewish Studies

Journal of Lutheran Ethics (JLE)

Journal of Maronite Studies (JMS)

Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission

Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality

Journal of Pan African Studies

Journal of Philosophy and Scripture

Journal of Religion and Film

Journal of Religion and Society

Journal of Religious Leadership

Journal of Scriptural Reasoning

Journal of Semitics

Journal of South Asian Women’s Studies

Journal of Southern Religion

Journal of Textual Reasoning

Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical society

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society

Journal of the Holy Roman Empire

Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies

Journal of Theological Studies

Journal of Theoretical and...

Journal of Theory Construction...

Journal of Thought

Journal of Transnational American Studies

Jouvert: A Journal of PostColonial Studies


Judaism: A quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought

KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi

Kairos : Evangelical Journal of Theology


Kerux: The Online Journal of Biblical Theology

Laval Theologique et Philosophique

LDS Church News

Leadership: A Practical Journal for Religious Leaders

Lectio Difficilior: European Electronic Journal for Feminist Exegesis

Light and Islamic Review


Literature and Theology

Living tradition: Organ of the Roman Theological Forum

Logia: a journal of Lutheran theology

Logos: A Journal of Catholic...


Marburg Journal of Religion

Marriage Partnership (Christianity Today)

The Master’s Seminary Journal

Material History of American Religion Project (Electronic Journal)

McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry

The Medieval Review

Mennonite Life

Mennonite Quarterly Review

Methodist Review

Ministerial Formation 

National Catholic Reporter

Near Eastern Archaeology 

New World Outlook

Nordic Journal of African Studies

North Star: A Journal of African-American Religious History

Online Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet

Paix Et Droit

Palestinian Post

Papers of the Bibliographical...

Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith

Philosophy and religion community

Philosophy in review 

Population & Societies

Portuguese Studies

Practical Matters

Presbyterian Record

Press, The; Christchurch, New...

Primary Point

Process Studies

Protestant Reformed Theological Journal

Quaker Theology

Quartz Hill Journal of Theology

Quebec Studies

Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History

Quodlibet: Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy


Reason Papers

The Reconstructionist

Reformation 21: Online magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals


Religion in Eastern Europe

Religion in the News

Religious Conference Manager

Religious Education

Religious Educator

Renaissance: A Monthly Islamic Journal

Renaissance Quarterly

Review of Biblical Literature

Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion

The Saint Anselm Journal

Science and Christian Belief

Sociology of Religion


Sojourners Magazine

Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi


South Asian Journal

Southeast Review of Asian Studies

The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology

Spiritual Life

Spirituality & Health Magazine

Stone Campbell Journal

Studies in Islam and the Middle East

Studies in Jewish-Christian Relations

TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism

The Ecumenical Review

Theological Librarianship

Theological Studies

Trinity Journal

US Catholic 

Verbum et Ecclesia


Wesleyan Theological Journal

Western Buddhism Review

Western Folklore

The Westminster Theological Journal

Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Women Magazine

Word and World

Word Ways


Xenos Online Journal

From Dr. John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University